Thursday 5 March 2009

Another Success

I received a telephone call today informing me I got letter of the week on the 2nd March in the local paper.

This means another pen is on its way. Who knows perhaps Simon will swap a moleskin for a pen or two.

I feel the gauntlet being laid down again.

Best wishes.



  1. Bizarre isn't it? You wonder why they give pens as gifts when everyone types these days?

  2. How many pens are worth one moleskin book then? Congrats on the letter. Another success to add to the list - and more points in the Wrekin Writer of the Year competition.

  3. Helen

    I suppose the prize of a pen is to write the personal cards for special occasions that mean so much to the people who support us.


    Not sure how many pens are worth a moleskin book? Perhaps it is something to discuss in the future.

    Thanks for your encouragement.

