Tuesday 3 March 2009


To help a charity you need to work out

1) which charity or charities are you going to devote time to?

2) What does this charity do and why are you wanting to help and get involved?

3) What is your personal aim and what do you hope to achieve?

4) What can you give the charity that someone else can't. e.g. time, personal experience?

5) What is the aim of the charity and what events are they holding ?

6) Be willing to badger for support and obtain donations whether it be raffle prizes or money

7) Can you get media coverage for the event you are holding? Who do you know where to obtain assistance from?

8) Let your friends and family know what you are doing once they see you are inspired and are determined they will most probably offer help and support of some sort or another.

9) Do you need sponsorship for your event, e.g. online sponsoring or getting people to pledge.

10) List your achievements no matter how small of who you have got on side

11) Above all else show enthusiasm as this rubs off on others.

I suppose writing is the same. Once you let your friends and family know you have goals to achieve they will usually help you. I am lucky my in-laws support me 100% with everything I do. For example I ran out of printer paper and my mother in law sent half a ream on Sunday afternoon when my husband had gone to visit her. She always enquires as to my achievements no matter how small they appear to me

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