Sunday 31 May 2009

A brilliant Writing Day

With the good news I received this morning and my dreams last night I was in the mood for writing all day. In fact I achieved everything I wanted in half the day.

I had envisaged adapting the chapters of my book into under 5000 words for a writing competition. With the inspiration this morning I decided to tackle the task in a new light and follow the guidelines to the letter. I had previously completed the synopsis and biography a couple of weeks ago - with the help of "Wannabe a Writer" by Jane Wenham-Jones. Without this book I would feel at a complete loss.

Well with the synopsis open on one screen and a blank word document on another I set off on my task. In fact what I wrote this morning seems better than any of my chapters.

So I will leave it to rest for a bit before I decide to edit what I put in the computer this morning.

This is one of the first times I have been really happy with my writing.

Good luck to you all with your WIPs and your writing dreams.

Best wishes


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