Tuesday, 10 February 2009

A pleasant surprise

I was thinking back to what Julie had posted on my blog when I wrote about snow. So I went to article alley and started writing an article there. I then saw a theme about Valentine's Day and wrote something about that too.

I then decided to see where I was in the author section. This is listed alphabetically and so I clicked on F and looked on the last page near the bottom. I couldn't find me. I thought my account may have been missed off. I then clicked and got my articles to appear these show the number of views that each article has had. It then dawned on me why my name was not at the bottom of the list anymore. I had over 100 views and hence had moved up the rankings.

I was so surprised and this has cheered me up.

I am glad I write and let my feelings flow.

Yesterday I watched Bargain Hunt and on it there was this message "Choose an author like you would a friend". Well I would certainly choose Wrekin Writers as they are being true friends offering support and encouragement when I need it most.

I am so lucky to have been welcomed in the way that I have and knowing that friendship and support is around when I feel down means so much.

Best wishes to everyone



  1. 100 views is brilliant. Well done. And you're right, friends are important.

